My name is Jason Long. I’m married and have three children—well, more like adults now—two daughters and a son. My wife and I have been married for 20 years.
I recently became the Customer Care Manager in Atlanta. In this role, I oversee the operations of our customer call center, where we have nine excellent representatives. Customers call in to place their orders, and the reps schedule and book them into our system. I also manage the truck coordinators, ensuring their schedules are on track and addressing any challenges they face.
Before this, I was an Area Operations Manager for six plants in the Atlanta area and I’ve also had various other positions. My experience in operations helps me in my current role, for example with understanding plant capacities and the customer data platforms. However, my previous role involved more hours, including a lot of night pours and such.
After many years in the concrete business, I’m an early riser, usually up around 4 AM. I get to the office between 6 and 7 AM, sometimes stopping by one of the plants on my way in to check on things. Once in the office, I coordinate with our sales representatives, help them with any challenges, and maintain contact with customers and the operations team.
I’ve been with Thomas Concrete since 1998, so I’ve seen a lot over the years. With the years you learn from experience so that the good times become better and the bad times are not as bad.
The people! Since 1998, I’ve had great mentors who helped me grow. They’ve had both good and tough conversations with me over the years. Together, we’ve evolved and I am the manager I am today thanks to all the people I’ve worked with and am working with today.