I’m Patricia Schümann. I’m 35 years old and I have a three-year-old son. In our free-time we really enjoy spending time outdoors, going to the park or the beach during the summer, riding our bicycles or going swimming. I also love to cook and to bake, always trying new recipes.
Together with my colleague, I am responsible for preparing the data for our payroll runs. We prepare and distribute HR-related reports and work instructions, maintain and update employee records. We also respond to employee inquiries, process and maintain employee contracts and travel expenses.
I also get to work on different projects like the preparation of the latest employee survey or establishing new employee benefits.
I don’t really have a typical workday. We handle payroll twice a month: at the end of the month for those employees who earn a monthly salary and at the beginning of the following month for those who earn an hourly wage. Once a week we have a fixed meeting within our HR department to discuss current topics. Other than that, I need to adjust my day based on the immediate demands and questions that arise, so no day is the same.
I have been at Thomas Beton for six years now. At first, I was part of the financial accounting team and the invoicing team. After my parental leave, I switched to the HR team.
The colleagues, especially our HR team, but also the colleagues in general at Thomas Beton. We help each other and are always open to each other’s problems. Be it work-related or in our private lives.