Grant for the best MSc theses within sustainable concrete construction

The Family Thomas Foundation (Familjen Thomas forskningsstiftelse) is a foundation that funds research on sustainable concrete construction. They offer a grant for the best MSc thesis in two categories: smart, resource-efficient design solutions for concrete, and resource-efficient concrete that minimizes the climate footprint. To be eligible, the thesis must contribute new knowledge in these areas, be well-structured and well-written, and have been examined at a university in the Nordic countries.

We congratulate the authors of the three theses

Each of the three dissertations has been awarded a grant of 50,000 SEK. Below are the names of the authors and their respective theses:

Rune Malthe Knudsen & Ann Sofie Hyldtoft Olsen
”An experimental study of changes of microstructure of cement based materials with fly ash on chloride ingress”, DTU Lyngby

Jørgen Klokkervold & Lauritz Aure
”Integrated structural strength calculations and optimization of CO2 emission for flat slabs with different reinforcement solutions”, NTNU Trondheim

Nemir Chaudhry & David Bohman
“Enhanced 3D strut-and-tie method for design of discontinuity regions”, Chalmers Göteborg

The grants were given for the best MSc theses in two categories

  • Smart, resource-efficient design solutions which increase the competitiveness of concrete from a sustainability perspective

  • Resource-efficient concrete that reduces the concrete’s climate footprint, including alternative binders and proportioning to reduce binder or clinker.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote scientific research and education on ready-mixed and precast concrete.
Hans Karlander

Hans Karlander


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