We congratulate the authors of the three theses
Each of the three dissertations has been awarded a grant of 50,000 SEK. Below are the names of the authors and their respective theses:
Rune Malthe Knudsen & Ann Sofie Hyldtoft Olsen
”An experimental study of changes of microstructure of cement based materials with fly ash on chloride ingress”, DTU Lyngby
Jørgen Klokkervold & Lauritz Aure
”Integrated structural strength calculations and optimization of CO2 emission for flat slabs with different reinforcement solutions”, NTNU Trondheim
Nemir Chaudhry & David Bohman
“Enhanced 3D strut-and-tie method for design of discontinuity regions”, Chalmers Göteborg
The grants were given for the best MSc theses in two categories
- Smart, resource-efficient design solutions which increase the competitiveness of concrete from a sustainability perspective
- Resource-efficient concrete that reduces the concrete’s climate footprint, including alternative binders and proportioning to reduce binder or clinker.