Our Projects

Archives: TCG Projects

For over 60 years, we at Thomas Concrete Group have supplied high-quality concrete for many different types of projects, large and small. Here we present a selection of our reference projects.

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Low-carbon concrete


OdNowa estate in Kwidzyn

Low-carbon concrete

North Hills Expansion JCP Project

In Mölndal, just south of Gothenburg, lies GoCo Health Innovation City. The area is becoming a new city center focused on life sciences and health.
Low-carbon concrete

GoCo Health Innovation City


Low-carbon concrete

Varberg’s new railway station

Low-carbon concrete

1072 West Peachtree

Low-carbon concrete


Construction of the Koszalin and Sianów bypass on the S6 route

Low-carbon concrete


Renovation of historic quay in Gdańsk

Geosciences building with a Geotechnikum

Grefsen Stasjon

Construction of a sports hall at the school in Piaski

Alter Elbtunnel in Hamburg

Södertälje Canal

Low-carbon concrete

Plant Riverside District by JW Marriott

Low-carbon concrete

The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design

Low-carbon concrete


Stealth Sculpture

The Levensau High Bridge

Trysil Alpine Lodge

Low-carbon concrete

Brf Klassrummet

Low-carbon concrete

Sewage treatment plant Sickla

Low-carbon concrete

Gadsden + Greene Student Housing

Low-carbon concrete

Tichelhaus – Willy-Brandt-Straße 69

Low-carbon concrete

Construction of a new gas and steam power plant

Low-carbon concrete

Reconstruction and modernization of the sewage treatment plant

Low-carbon concrete


Low-carbon concrete

667 Auburn

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