
We have set specific sustainability objectives and KPIs in five focus areas deemed highly relevant for our overall strategy. The KPIs provide clear targets and make it easy to track our progress and development.

Our company has highly competent and committed employees who develop and produce ready-mixed and precast concrete. We care and want to make a difference.

Sustainability is closely linked to our core business through our mission, and we integrate sustainability into all aspects of our business. We believe that sustainability creates value for our business, our employees, our customers, our owners, and society. As the Concrete Specialists, we are determined to maximize this value and committed to continuously minimize the negative impact throughout the life cycle of concrete.

To successfully achieve our sustainable development commitments, we base our work in the three pillars of sustainability: social, environment, and economy. By focusing our efforts on these areas, we can assure our contributions embody the entire sustainability spectrum.

Our Focus Areas and KPIs

Binder optimization

Alternative binders

Target 2025 > 50%
Actual 2023 28%


Energy and emissions

Energy consumption (kWh/m³)

Target 2025: < 5
Actual 2023: 8.7


LTI (Lost Time Injury)

Target 2025: < 14.25
Actual 2023: 16.2

Engagement index

Last survey was conducted in 2021. Next one will be done in 2024.

EI (Engagement Index)

Target 2025: > 86
Actual 2023: 83



Target 2025: > 40%
Actual 2023: 52%

“At Team Thomas, our ambition is to help our customers build a sustainable society. That’s why we always put words and symbolic actions aside and focus on achieving sustainability for real. Our Sustainability Report shows how we measure, monitor and take responsibility for our activities and what areas we prioritise to best contribute to the development of society”

Karin Gäbel, Sustainability Manager

Sustainability stories

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